Friday, April 17, 2009

MTV: Where Are the Black Folks!?!?!

MTV, Music Television. Let me start this blog with a disclaimer: I absolutely LOVE MTV, and was damn near raised on that television station. I used to live for Tuesday nights to watch the latest episode of Real World especially that season that had like 3 black people on it including Coral's big forehead ass! That was THEE best season ever!! I was also an avid watcher of "True Life", "NEXT", and "Pimp Your Ride" (before it got just to redic)!! BUT where are the ebony faces at!?! No, like seriously! I have been watching MTV for the past 12 years and while I have relaxed on my every Tuesday tradition to tuning in to Real World, I still glance time to time to see what's MTV offering, but it's damn sure not black people! I found it rather funny, that shows like Real World, Road Rules, College Life, etc, have very limited minorities let alone African Americans. BUT as soon as they need some "G's" to turn into "gentlemen" they go straight to Compton and the South side of Chicago to find all the "Hood Niggas" one could find. Why does it take a TV show that is all about "thugs" for there to be a damn near full cast of black people INCLUDING the host! Why can't there be 4/7 cast of Real World thats a minority, or why can't there be more than one puny biracial light skin boy on the new series "College Life" as though black people can't receive higher education? But this negative illustration of the African American community isn't the first to MTV, there no virgins when it comes to exploiting the black community. I always thought that it was extremely weird how True-Life: "I'm on Parole", "I'm Young and Pregnant", or "I'm dropping out of school" would always had a predominately black cast, as though it's hard to find young white moms, white men or parole, or white students dropping out. I DON'T KNOW WHO THEY THINK THEY FOOLIN' with that, but definately not I. I mean hell, there have only been what 3 reliable black faces that you're guaranteed to see on MTV on a regular basis; Sway, Xzibit, and that one light skin girl with curly hair (God I can't think of her name, if she's even black!!!) I know that many of the black community seem to frown upon BET for the "Uncut" series, bootleg camera used for College Hill, replacing Free and AJ with the latino chick, and light skin dude,and the scripted reality (yeah that's an oximoron) Baldwin Hills. But if you must watch the deadly combo of music and television tune into BET before watching MTV!

I Love, Live, This LIfe!

Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself

Allow me to re-introduce myself:

What can I say?!?! When people describe themselves and list their oh so lovely attributes they seem to always somehow forget all their negative qualities. So let me break the mold, and start off listing the "not so good" shit I do, act or say. I'm anti-social, selfish, crude, bitchy, moody, money hungry, and self obsessive. Aren't we all? I listed a few characteristics that I'm sure the majority of people display at one time or another, but may not seem to realize or to ashamed openly admit! I'm here to tell you that it's okay to every now and then display these characteristics but making them everyday habit! How would the world be if everyone at every moment were nice, caring, generous, giving, soft-spoken and easy going? The answer is they would be BROKE, and money makes the world go around so they world wouldn't spin, and we would all DIE! LOL, Okay maybe not that extreme, but I'm sure you understand my point.

Thanks for allowing me to INTRODUCE myself.
I Love, Live this Life!